10 Best Toys & Gift Ideas for Twelve-Year-Old Girls in 2022


Girls are known to mature faster than boys. As such, it shouldn’t come as surprise if you observe that twelve-year-old girls play less than twelve-year old boys in general. Their interests are now far more varied than just playing with toys and games.

That can make giving gifts a bit difficult unless you know for a fact what your daughter’s hobbies and interests are. You will notice that the list of gifts down below feature more accessories than toys. But that doesn’t mean that girls these age don’t know how to enjoy! They just now prefer other stuff over most toys and games.

So what do you give a twelve-year-old girl? Here are a few suggestions to look into:

Best Gifts for Twelve-Year-Old Girls

# Name Rating
1 Shlocker Personal Shower Locker ★★★★
2 Klutz Sew Mini Treats ★★★★
3 AquaSprouts Garden ★★★
4 Urbun Elf Earbuds Headphones ★★★
5 Rachel Ignotofsky Women In Science ★★★★
6 TheSpoiledSprout Personalized Musical Jewelry Box ★★★★★
7 Smoko Light Up Unicorn Slippers ★★★
8 Knock Knock Mental Note Sticky Notes ★★★★
9 Mattel Magic 8 Ball ★★★★
10 Nintendo Entertainment System: NES Classic Edition ★★★★

Shlocker Personal Shower Locker

Shlocker Personal Shower Locker

Rating: ★★★★

Review: Let me tell you how vital this is to a lot of people. If you live with a roommate or with a lot of people in the house, they will use your personal care products at least once. Well, some people don’t like sharing their bath stuff with others. I’m one of those people, and your daughter might be one, too.

If that’s the case, the Shlocker is the perfect solution! She can install it in the bath and put all (or at least, most) of her personal care items like shampoo, bath wash, her toothbrush, and toothpaste in there. It can even fit most jumbo-sized products. It also has holes for better air flow and drainage. But best of all, your daughter can put a 2-number combination to lock it all up, away from everyone else!

Klutz Sew Mini Treats

Klutz Sew Mini Treats

Rating: ★★★★

Review: One activity your daughter might find interesting is sewing cute little felt treats. It’s a great way to just relax and not think about the stresses of school and friendship dramas. If you think she’d love that, then definitely get her this Klutz set.

It comes with a lot of different food designs that your daughter can stitch and sew. You don’t need to buy other materials elsewhere because even the needles are provided in the pack. In fact, it also has over 60 pieces of pre-cut felt eyes and cheeks! So really, all your kid needs to do is pick a design, pick colors, and start sewing. It’s super easy and relaxing to do. And at the end of the day, she’ll have cute felt treats to collect or give away.

AquaSprouts Garden

AquaSprouts Garden

Rating: ★★★

Review: Your daughter is thinking of growing plants or getting a pet? If it’s her first time, she might not realize how much responsibility both situations come with. So, ease her into it with the AquaSprouts Garden!

With this set, she can both grow plants and take care of pet fishes. The garden on top can grow different kinds of plants, from vegetables to decorative ones. And below that is a 10-gallon aquarium where you can put real live fishes for her to take care of. It doesn’t even need a lot of maintenance because the whole scheme is designed to be self-sustaining. At the very least, you’ll be giving your daughter a nice décor item.

Urbun Elf Earbuds Headphones

Urbun Elf Earbuds Headphones

Rating: ★★★

Review: Is your daughter into elves and other mythical creatures? Does she like listening to music as well? Hit two birds with one stone with this awesome set of earphones!

It’s super unique, that’s for sure. These pair is designed to look like elven ears so that your daughter can feel like one of the fair folk while she listens to the latest songs on her Spotify. It’s great if she’s into the whole cosplay business or if she just weird novel things. Aside from that, this pair of earphones provide her with high-quality sound and is even designed to fit in her ears ergonomically. I’d say it’s a nice and unconventional twist to your normal everyday gadget.

Rachel Ignotofsky Women In Science

Rachel Ignotofsky Women In Science

Rating: ★★★★

Review: Avid readers and science enthusiasts will love this book for sure. In today’s society, women are coming into the forefront more often. So it’s a nice idea to commemorate some of the past female icons of all fields. For this one, let’s focus on science.

This super educational books tells the stories of fifty successful and notable women who gave their world-changing contributions in the field of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Learning about these figures will help show your little girl that women are vital in society, both of today and in the past. It’s super easy to learn about them when they are featured in beautifully illustrated pages and an easy-to-understand format.

TheSpoiledSprout Personalized Musical Jewelry Box

TheSpoiledSprout Personalized Musical Jewelry Box

Rating: ★★★★★

Review: As a twelve-year-old, your little girl might already have a few important trinkets and accessories. She can safeguard it in her very own jewelry box.

But why stop with an ordinary box if you can give her a personalized musical jewelry box? That’s right! She can have her name written on it. And every time she needs to get something, a ballerina will twirl around to the tune of her music. With over 60 designs to choose from, I’m sure you’d be able to choose something unique for your daughter.

Smoko Light Up Unicorn Slippers

Smoko Light Up Unicorn Slippers

Rating: ★★★

Review: Slippers may seem like a boring gift, and your daughter might be disappointed if you give her a regular pair. But that won’t happen if it’s a pair of unicorn slippers!

These awesome pair are Instagrammable (which is already a plus!) and super cozy because of their soft and fluffy design. But aside from that, they light up to make the unicorn cheeks look like a rainbow of color! I mean, how cool is that right? She’ll definitely be the envy of her friends when they find out.

Knock Knock Mental Note Sticky Notes

Knock Knock Mental Note Sticky Notes

Rating: ★★★★

Review: Writing notes, to do lists, and reminders can be bothersome and boring. That’s because it’s a tedious task that you have to repeat over and over again. So help your daughter have fun taking notes with this witty sticky pads!

There are lots of funny and quirky quotes to choose from. Each pad you pick will tell you a different thing, some more amusing and more annoying than others. But each and every one of them will keep your kid engaged enough to write down the things she needs written down. Plus, the design is minimalistic, bright, and highly efficient for note taking. Each 3 by 3 note pad has over 100 leaves so you’re also getting something worth your money. Really, I suggest you get one for your own as well.

Mattel Magic 8 Ball

Mattel Magic 8 Ball

Rating: ★★★★

Review: The Magic 8 Ball has been around for quite a long time. In fact, I remember my friend having one during my early teenaged years (it just came out then). And I also remember loving it so much!

There’s something inherently exciting about fortune-telling, and the Magic 8 Ball is entirely that. You ask it a question, and it’ll answer you. It’s that simple and fun. I think that your daughter will also love asking it for advice about her future. Of course, it doesn’t really work but the fun, laughter, and nostalgia of this toy will bring a smile to her for years to come.

Nintendo Entertainment System: NES Classic Edition

Nintendo Entertainment System: NES Classic Edition

Rating: ★★★★

Review: Speaking of throwbacks, there is one type of toy I’m definitely sure your kid will like playing with, especially now that everything retro is suddenly cool. Why not give her the chance to play the Nintendo Classic Entertainment System?

Back in 1985, this was our PS, and the pixelated games of then were our graphics of the future. It was then that cult favorites emerged like the Super Mario Bros. and Donkey Kong. Now, your daughter can experience and play the original of the originals. It may not have the grandeur of modern virtual reality games, but it’s still super fun to play with. Now, it can even work on modern TVs. Honestly, I think I’m more excited for this console than my own kids.


See, not having a lot of toys doesn’t mean you can’t give something nice and exciting to your not-so-little girl. There are tons of activities and accessories you can choose from.

At this point in time, you don’t even need to actually buy her something useful. Sometimes cute and adorable décor and accessories will also be highly appreciated.